Discount calculator help you to find out the FINAL discounted price of a product or service and the amount of money you save.
You can also calculate the discount % itself or the Original price.
You can also generate Discount list like 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%...
This app also lets calculate easily your Savings so this is also know as Saving Calculator
Highly intuitive & simple way to calculate discount
Useful & simple way to calculate the discounts & reverse calculations.
Must have App for Every Shopper & Merchant.
Discount calculator app gives you the accurate result of final discounted price of any product or service that you want in just some instant fast and easy steps. It can help you to find out discount % calculation and the original price percentage.
Key Features
- Calculate DISCOUNT Amount
- Calculate ORIGINAL Amount
- Calculate Discount Rate & know the %
- Calculate DOUBLE Discount